So the newest member of our team is integrating into this big new world, and contributing dirty diapers and a dislike of naps. But her daddy can't help but love her. Riley's new clothes have been a topic of interest on April's part, and I can't help but wonder whether she is having fun dressing Riley in different outfits the way she might've had fun dressing dolls as a child, if she had had any dolls. As April takes care of Riley I'm continually in Awe of the strength deep inside of her, and the love she has for this little one. She's a mom. This is her child. And I have a front row seat to learn what this whole dynamic relationship is all about.
As a new father, I think I'm learning a little more as I go, where as it seems like April has been doing this all her life. Riley is so funny. Our friends ask us what sports she's going to be good at, knowing full well that athletics will probably be a common influence in her upbringing. Part of me is hoping she'll be a little speedster at church when she's four or five, running through the halls laughing, with one plume of a pony tail sticking straight up on the top of her head. I may regret it as it happens, but I pray she has the energy to exhaust everyone around her.